Ready-to-use Aranym for Windows

What is it?

It's an Atari Virtual Machine with lots of applications to run on your Windows machine.

Why this full package?

I had many troubles whn trying to setup/recompile a working Aranym. This configuration is based on EasyMint, quite old but stable (at least on my Windows machines!). Very simple to use. nothing to install (well something if you want to enable network access).

What does it contain?

It contains an "Atari ST-like" machine as this:
- 14 MB ST-RAM
- 512 MB TT-RAM
- Aranym 1.1.0, used in jit mode (could be changed in run_aranym.bat)
- EmuTOS 1.1.1
- Mint 1.19 / Xaaes or myAES 0.98 (choice at starup), no FVDI and console modes also proposed
- Lots of softwares (basically everything coming from EasyMint)
- My own dev environment for VISION and GEMTAIL (in host file system /H/PURE_C/PROJECTS)
- 4 disk partitions:
- Network setup ready (something must be done at Windows OS level, see below)

How to install

How to use

Finally, you should end-up with something like this (after GEMTAIL and VISION started), note Putty session connected to Aranym:
Aranym running Mint and softwares